Journeys with the Saviour: Follow Me
Size: 8" x 8"
by Paige DeRuyscher This illustrated legacy journal is an invitation to share God’s greatness through the generations by connecting stories of the past to stories of the present. It is a rare opportunity to meet the ordinary men who walked with Jesus and knew Him best. You have heard their names, but do you know their remarkable stories? Have you imagined what it was like for these unassuming apostles to hear the voice of God breaking through in their everyday lives, calling them to leave behind everything they knew and begin living a life they’d never dreamed of? As you study their faces and imagine their experiences, you may be filled with the sense of anticipation and adventure that always comes with journeys of faith. You may be filled with courage to answer His call for the first time ever, or you may be filled with renewed zeal for following Him. And you may ultimately be filled with a desire to use this book to preserve your own journeys with the Saviour. However your heart is filled while journeying through this book, you will undoubtedly realize that the path ahead is well-worn with the footprints of those who have gone before you. The journal entries found on the pages of Journeys with the Saviour: Follow Me reveal the tremendous value of preserving your stories of faith for future generations. Just as the apostles were, you are also an irreplaceable link in the eternal chain of faith that includes Jesus and His tiny band of ordinary men. Wherever you are right now, open these pages and hear the voice of the One who calls you even today. Reach back across time to those who became such strong foundations of the faith. As you live your story day by day, begin leaving your own footprints in this book for those who will come after you. © 2017 Brent Morris A digital Bible study and media kit for Journeys with the Saviour is currently in the pilot phase. This package is ideal for sermon series, Sunday School classes, and small groups. Email us for more information.
God Stories Journal
Size: 3.5" x 5.5"
This journal is for recording the stories--both big and small--that God is writing in your everyday life. Writing down what He's saying to your heart and what He's doing in your life will help refine your ear to hear His voice and will help you follow Him daily. A journal full of personal God stories is a legacy for future generations! The words below are a partial excerpt from the message featured on the inside front cover. Excerpt taken from Journeys with the Saviour: Follow Me. © 2017 Brent Morris You have a story to tell. It is much more than the story of your life on this earth— It is the story of your heart. It is the one story that matters in the end— to you, to your Creator, And to the generations to follow. It is your journey with the Saviour. You’re invited to begin today— wherever you are on your journey of faith: Begin telling your story. The Abba Cry
Size: 4.75" x 6.75"
by Don Lessin What is the loudest voice within you? This booklet contains edited transcripts of two sermons that were preached by Don Lessin at Outreach Center in Northwest Arkansas. The message were originally title Abba and Three Questions in the Spirit. The truths in each message were powerfully used by God to draw people closer to His heart. It is our prayer that as you read, your heart will also be drawn closer to His. |
The Holy Spirit Book
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
by Roy Lessin Living victoriously isn't's impossible. That's why Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit! Jesus sent us the One who is exactly like Him. The Holy Spirit is our perfect provision. He is the One who provides the power, the comfort, the help, and the joy we need to overcome and live victoriously. God’s invitation to the thirsty is simply to come and drink. After 50+ years of studying and teaching about the Holy Spirit, Roy Lessin has written The Holy Spirit Book: Discovering the Person, the Purpose, and the Power of the Promised Holy Spirit. He uses a combination of Scriptures and real life stories to help others understand what the Bible says about who the Holy Spirit is, why He came, and how to receive His power. Roy’s classic, simple style allows readers to come away equipped with Biblical knowledge and empowered to live their life where the Holy Spirit is not just resident, but president! © 2017 Roy Lessin Corresponding Bible study coming soon!
Psalm 23: Verse by Verse & Thought by Thought
Size: 4.75" x 6.75"
by Roy Lessin This 32-page booklet is a modern and meaningful approach to studying the well-known words of Psalm 23. DaySpring co-founder Roy Lessin breaks down the six powerful verses of this Psalm in a simple to understand way that sheds new light on the deeply personal love the Shepherd has for His sheep. Readers will come away with a fresh perspective on this classic Psalm, able to receive the comfort found in His care. Like Those Who Dream: The Memoir of Roy Lessin
Size: 6" x 8" (Hardback)
by Roy Lessin How a Jewish Boy from the Bronx Reached the World with Hope Roy Lessin, co-founder of the largest Christian greeting card company in the world, has lived a life full of surprises. Raised in a Jewish home in the Bronx, and spiraling into deep rebellion in this teens, no one would ever have guessed that a series of events in his young-adult years would lead to a personal relationship with the living Christ and a career dedicated to His service. Like Those Who Dream chronicles his story in his own words, including his formative college years, his calling into the ministry of writing, the founding of DaySpring, and the many personal, spiritual, and leadership lessons he's learned along the way. It is Roy Lessin's autobiography, but even more, it is the story of a God who sees and speaks and works in human lives, told only as Roy can tell it. |
Sons from Afar
Size: 5.25" x 8"
by Jan Markell From the terrors of Russia, to the streets of New York, to the casinos of Las Vegas—Sons from Afar is the amazing true story of Joseph Aaron Lessin, his two sons Don and Roy, and the power of a Gideon Bible hidden in a hotel drawer. Joseph's youngest son is Roy Lessin, co-founder of DaySpring, a global leader in Christian cards, gifts, and inspirational products. Roy served as a senior writer at DaySpring for thirty-seven years. Through his many writing, editorial, and creative roles, he has brought encouragement, hope and comfort to millions of readers. Roy's memoir, Like Those Who Dream, was released in 2020. It can be found on Amazon or Salmo 23: Verso por Verso y Pensamiento por Pensamiento (Psalm 23 in Spanish)
Size: 4.75" x 6.75"
by Roy Lessin Este libreto de 32 páginas es un enfoque moderno y significativo para estudiar las conocidas palabras del Salmo 23. El cofundador de DaySpring, Roy Lessin, desglosa los seis poderosos versículos de este salmo de una manera fácil de entender que da nueva luz sobre el amor profundamente personal que El Pastor tiene por Sus ovejas. Los lectores saldrán con una nueva perspectiva de este salmo clásico, listos para recibir el consuelo que se encuentra en Su cuidado. También en inglés: A Place at His Table
Size: 4.5" x 6" (Hardback)
by Roy Lessin Oh, the wonder, the delight, the privilege to be seated at the Lord's table! With Him. Near Him. In His presence--breaking daily bread together--speaking, sharing, communing...It is His prepared place to share His heart with yours. This collection of daily devotions will help you rest in His presence as you draw closer to God's heart, so you can face each day knowing you are loved, treasured, and valued by your almighty Father. |